Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Min søster...

My sister means the world to me. I mentioned something about her in my previous blogpost, but I guess I didn't point out how much she actually means to me. Because she means the world to me, she always has and always will. This post is for her... 

My sister, Anne-Sophie, was born on the 3rd of June 1994, which means that she is about 2,5 years older than me. 
She was the only child in our family until I was born. A few weeks ago, I re-watched a video of her, visiting me at the hospital, where I was about a day old. She clearly doesn't understand at all that I'm the little monster that would influence the rest of her life. 
My grandmother kept on repeating "Look, that's your little sister, did you make her bed? Will she be sleeping in your room?" And my sister is like staring at her and just nodding. 
I love the part in the video where she touches me and I start crying and she looks terrified, as if she was thinking "OMG, do I have to live with this thing for the rest of my life?".

Me and my family lived in a little house, where my sister and me had to sleep in the same room. When I was about 4 years old, we moved to a bigger house, where I got 'a big bed'. We slept in the same room until I think I was about 8 years old. 
We did have a lot of good times when we slept together. As my sister was older, she always had the upper hand in discussions. For example: when I wanted to sleep and she still had her light on, because she was reading Harry Potter. I would go to her bed and tell her that she had to stop reading and she would ignore me or she would just quickly say something like "jaja". But she never stopped reading. At times like those, I would be very angry with her. 

But there also were some other moments where we would both be in our own beds and start throwing teddy bears from my bed to hers and back. Those were awesome times. When we heard our father running up the stairs, we would pretend to be asleep. He would be very angry and yell "GEEN CIRCUS", and of course, me and my sister were scared to death. 

After I moved to my own room, we were more like enemies. She was older than me and couldn't stand her irritating cute little sister's behaviour. She went to 'the big school' and I had to stay in primary school. The funny thing about this period of time is that she hated me (well, not hated, but you know what I mean) and I loved her! She would be very mad if I tried to give her a kiss or even hug her. 

But thank god, everything changed when we got in the same school again. Although she was older and was already in the 4th grade when I came in, we actually became very good friends. As we became older, she became more and more of a better friend, until the stage, where we are now, where she is the bestest friend I could ever imagine. 
She's there when I need her and I'm there if she needs me. We make a crazy combo that you do not want to meet during exams... 

We don't look like each other at all, but we are sisters. 

I love this girl with all my heart and I can't imagine how much I'm going to miss her next year... (Today: 198 days before departure)



If you're still reading, another funny fact: my hands are always cold and she likes to come to me (especially when I'm very busy) asking for my hands. She then holds them and caresses her cheek with my hand and she just loves it and can't stop doing it...